Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Tiber, Rome

The Tiber, Rome
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.

Shutters, Rome

Shutters, Rome
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.

Trevi Fountain, Rome

Trevi Fountain, Rome
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.
And yes, we did throw a coin over a shoulder so we will supposedly be returning to Rome someday.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Swiss Guard, St Peter's, Rome

St Peter's, Rome
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.
Guard's outfits were apparently designed by Michelangelo.

St Peter's, Rome

St Peter's, Rome
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.

The Vatican

The Vatican
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.
Tania at the Vatican.

The Vatican

The Vatican
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.
Notice any similarity between this statue and the one below (other than both being naked men)?

The Vatican

The Vatican
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.
Yes, they both seem to be missing their penis. As do most of the male statues. When I noticed this in Rome itself I assumed it was just a bit of vandalism - but in the Vatican itself? There must be an explanation. Maybe Dan Brown can address it in his next novel.

The Vatican

The Vatican
Originally uploaded by JonathanTheMan.
The Vatican gave me a sore neck, as so much art is on the ceiling.